Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Some Primal Foods - Shopping Lists

I wanted to talk about today about Primal food items that you might want to purchase to get you started on the Primal lifestyle and nutrition plan.

The picture on the left looks like I have purchased alot of carb driven foods such as fruit. Remeber that I don't eat fruit all the time. I might eat 2 or 3 pieces one day, then not have any for 4-5 days sometimes even up to 2 weeks without any fruit.

 During the caveman paleo generation fruit may have only been available seasonally which took alot of effort to gather providing very little calorie density. I would imagine it would not be worthwhile to gather a handful of berries which could takes hours to forige only to be worth 100 calories. 

The paleo humans would have used there energy to hunt wild animals which provides not only protein but also valuable saturated fats for which could used as energy to either store energy for future use "OR" use fat as a dietary fuel source.

My shopping list generally consists of the below items. Some may not be a PRIMAL as others but again keeping your carb intake below 100 grams per day is the ultimate goal while avoiding packaged items.

  • Peaches, strawberrys, blueberries, rasberries.... Yum
  • lean and fatty meats such as ground mince beef, pork, chicken and other types of fowl
  • Salmon & tuna. Either fresh or canned works well (dont forget to add some fat)
  • Salad bags full of leafy greens to make salads with
  • eggs (yes eat the yolk)
  • Cheese (if you can tolerate diary)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Avocado
  • Sour cream (if tolerated)
  • Heavy cream (full fat)
  • Chicken such as whole chickens, breast or thigh (I buy bonesless thigh fillets)
  • Twiggy meat sticks or beef jerky (avoid overly processed jerky with additives)
  • Deli meat cuts such as turkey and ham
These are just some of the foods that I buy to help me stay primal. I love eating a chicken thigh fillet salad for dinner made up with my own salad dressing. Its making my mouth water thinking about it.

So until next time start being primal and take it to the next level. Your health is worth it!

Jason(Urban Caveman)

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