Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hunting our own food

The question I wanted to ask today is if we are going to live a primal lifestyle then naturally we have to either hunt or chase down our own food sources. Now I am not asking people to grab a gun and run down the street shooting domesticated animals!

Thousands of years ago when people hunted the land nobody had a problem with it because there was no other way to eat. If you didn't hunt food you were dead and would be picked off by the first predator.

These days with PETA(people against ethical treatment of animals) and all the animal welfare lobbyist groups it has become increasingly harder to hunt, especially here in Australia were guns ownership is under tight scrutiny from the government as well as the left wing greenie groups. These groups want animals to be treated on the same level as humans. I will say it now and I have said it before "humans are the premiere race and if it comes down to saving an animals life or a human life the human life takes priority" and this is the way it has to be.

Most of these people that are making all the attacks on hunters and gun owners  eat meat. So the biggest question is where do they get there meat from? The answer is a grocery store! Yet they have little problem consuming such products with out a a blink of an eye without knowing where the were raised and under what conditions? It really is just one hypocritical view after another.

Now for the people interested in eating a range of game animals these include:
  • Ducks
  • Kangaroo
  • Deer
  • Wild pig
  • Pheasant 
  • Dove
  • Partridge
  • Rabbit
I know it is not practical for everyone to hunt there own game food but there are some people that go away for a hunting weekend and cull enough food to last them for 6 months depending on the size of the animals culled. They then freeze all the food and take it out of the freezer as needed.

Avoiding foods that you have no idea of what origin or even country the foods came from is a great health move and what better way than to hunt and remove feral animals from damaging either farmers crops or killing other indigenous native animals. Some countries have very poor food handling and safety regulations that have even been known to cause death from poisoning because of rancid or decomposed meats that were not handled or stored under proper food safety standards.

I will be placing some game recipes on the blog in the coming months when i get time to go out hunting with some of my friends who are currently getting there firearms licenses.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts on hunting your own food? Also comment on any rifle/shotgun combination's that you use to hunt with. I am always interested in hearing peoples hunting stories.

Hunting is at least knowing where the food you eat coming from which with no hidden chemicals or ingredients.

Here are some photos of me dove hunting in in Waco Texas in September 2010 and I must say its the most fun hunting that I have had in a long time. Aerial shotgun hunting is by far my most favorite type of hunting.
